Fueled by a wild mind and a disciplined eye.
Our Story
AOSA was first launched by Mike Hill in 2006 as a sustainability-focused fabrication shop. Propelled by a need to create and innovate, Mike desired to build something authentic.
Today AOSA's goal is simple: to empower those we work with. We help our clients produce & showcase their own creative visions. Also we aid companies in presentation of their brand. Through the years we have distilled our product offerings and processes to ensure high-quality and timeless results.
Get To Know Us
"We're not like the other experiential marketing agencies."- Us
When we say, "The only limit is your imagination," we're only half kidding.
With an in-house woodshop, CNC machine(s), 3D Printers, VR Studio, Laser Cutters, and printing capabilities for many materials, there is little we can't do /create.
Having worked in and around Southern California for several decades, we've also built up a hefty Rolodex of names that we can utilize to help add new layers and dimensions to our projects.
During our 20 years of operation, we've had the opportunity to work on thousands of projects, but you probably only care about the coolest ones.
We've worked with Nike, Lulu Lemon, Alo Yoga, SpaceX, Toms, Volcom, Hurley, Oakley, OVO, Sambazon, CLIF, Wholly Guacamole, Yerba Mate, KEVITA, COMPLEXCON, Burton, Disney and Yamaha... and more.
For a visual list of companies, navigate back to the homepage.
Why clients choose us?
We're really good at creating authentic experiences that connect with audiences at their core.
We seek challenges. Do you want to create a never-melting ice sculpture or an everlasting gobbstopper? We're the team for you. We're enamored with looking outside the box for answers. Our goal is not to satisfy the contract deliverables; it's to make memories, create smiles, and make an impact beyond the limits of the campaign itself.
Our biggest weakness is that we love our work too much for our own good. We frequently find ourselves spending long nights and weekends in the shop after promising ourselves we'd "slow down" earlier in the week. We get overly excited when a project comes together and relentlessly work to overcome challenges when things go wrong.
Tossing the flashy language to the side and breaking the fourth wall, we're a small team of incredibly talented individuals who choose to work together. When their talents combine, amazing things happen.
What's Our Secret Sauce?
We should probably have a long list of values and beliefs about what we do and how we do it differently.
Our processes are probably a lot like yours, and our values align similarly to those of other experiential marketing companies.
If we have to give you a secret sauce or the key to our success, it would be our mindset and a healthy dose of ADHD (actually diagnosed, we're not just being cute). We like to approach each idea like it is the cat in the Schrodinger cat theory. Inspired by the phrase, there's no such thing as a bad idea; we believe that to determine if an idea is truly good or bad, it must be unpacked.
We're your creative solutions partner fueled by passion and @aosacoffee.
You can find our workshop in
Huntington Beach, California. We're tucked behind the coffee shop, so we're always close to our brain fuel.
We haven't done everything...if you don't find something you like, let's create it :)